Tap the icon to in the upper right corner of the app to open it, then tap the Reports option.
The Reports menu opens. Tap the Summary Reports option, then tap Cost Detail Report.
The Cost Detail Report dialogue opens. Choose a Project, Time Period (All Time, Custom, Today, This Week, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last 30 Days, orThis Year) and select the data types you would like to display in this report. By default, Labor Time Entries, Equipment Logs, Material Deliveries, and Fuel Entries boxes will be selected.
Tap the Checkmark button to proceed, or the "X" button to cancel.
The Excel report will download to your device. Entries will be color coded by data type (Labor, Equipment, Material, Fuel). Each entry displays as a separate line with the following fields displaying in their respective sections.
Available Columns by Data Type:
General: Category, Project, Cost Code Reference Number, Cost Code Name, Task Name, Date, Time Zone, Employee, Email, Hours, Start Date, End Date, Adjustment, Auto Generated, Cost Amount.
Labor: Hours by Wage Type (each wage type has its own column).
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