- From the Homescreen, tap the Tasks button.
From any other screen in the app, tap theicon in the lower menu.
- The Tasks screen opens showing tasks associated with the current project that are ready to be worked--the project called out in blue at the top of the screen, and the task's status. (See the instructions for Moving Between Projects to learn how to view tasks from another project). Tap the "+" button to add a new task.
- The Create Task screen opens. Enter the following information, and then scroll down or use the Down arrow to add further detail.
Task Name: (Required) Enter a name to summarize the task. Task Description: Enter additional detail to explain what the task entails. Start Date: If a set start date exists for this task, enter it here. Due Date: If there is a date by which this task must be complete, enter it here. Progress Estimate: If this task requires work that can be quantified, add a the estimated total of work required. In this example, there are 10,000 square meters that we need to backfill. By entering a number here we can track progress day over day on the task. For our example task, the total number of square meters filled per day can be tracked, giving us an accurate reflection of work completed. Progress Unit: (Required if Progress Estimate field is used.) The progress estimate contains the quantitative aspect of the task. The progress unit tells us what we're counting. In this example, there are 10,000 square meters needing backfill. Once a progress estimate number has been entered this field is required to save a task. Status: (Required) Choose a status to describe this task's current state: Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Blocked, Canceled. Priority: Select a priority level for this task: Critical, High, Normal, or Low. Team Owner / Team: (Required) Choose a task owner from the teams to which you belong. Users are grouped by team. Enter a term into the Search field to find a specific team member. - Tap More Options Expand icon to view more detail in the Create Task screen.
- The Duration, Items, Steps, and Attachments segments of the screen appear. If you wish, add a duration and duration unit (required if a duration is entered). The duration defines how much time is being given for the task to be completed. In the example below the duration is five days. It might take 3 active hours of work to complete this task, but the task owner has 5 days in which to get this work done.
- To add steps, tap the Add Steps button, and the corresponding screen opens. Enter a step name (required), a step description if needed, and a time estimate if you wish. Once a number has been placed into the Time Estimate field, a Time Unit will be required. Tap the Checkmark button to save your step. Repeat if needed to add multiple steps.
- The Added Steps now appear on the Create Task screen. To add images, videos or other files, tap the Add Media button.
- The Add Media menu will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Tap Take a picture to add a new image to the task using your mobile device's camera. Tap Select photos to add a new image from your mobile device's existing photos.
Tap Take a video to add a new video to the task using your mobile device's camera.
Tap Select a Video to add a new video from your mobile device's video library.
Tap Browse Files to search other directories on your mobile device to find the image you'd like to attach. - The new attachment is now displayed on the Add Task screen. Tap the Checkmark button to proceed and add this new task, or the "X" button to cancel.
- The Tasks listing now displays the new task (as long as the task does not occur in the future, in which case it will not show until the date it is scheduled to begin).
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