- From the Homescreen, tap the Tasks button.
From any other screen in the app, tap theicon in the lower menu.
- The Tasks screen opens showing tasks associated with the current project that are ready to be worked. These are tasks that have all of their dependencies complete and do not take place in the future. (See the instructions for Moving Between Projects to learn how to view tasks from another project).
- To filter what is displayed or find a specific task, you may enter a search term in the field at the top of the screen or tap the Filter icon in the upper right corner of the screen. This feature will become more and more helpful as more tasks are ready to be worked.
- The Filter panel opens. Type in a specific user, select a phase from the project, change the statuses that will appear, and/or indicate a range for task start dates. Click Continue to apply these filter criteria.
- Once a filter has been applied, a limited list of tasks will be displayed. Note that the Filter icon is now blue, indicating the filter is in place. Tap the Reset icon to remove the filter.
- To view a task, tap on it. The task opens showing the following details:
a. Edit Task Icon: If you are a task owner or leader on the team to which the project belongs you will see this icon. Tap to edit the task. b. Project + Phase Name: Displays the project (and phase when one is available) to which the task belongs. c. Task Name: Name of the task. d. Due Date: The date by which the task must be completed. e. Task Status: Indicates the task's status. Tap to update the status using the dropdown menu.
Work on this task has not yet begun. Work on this task is underway. This task has been finished. Work on this task has been blocked by external factors—this may be lack of materials, incomplete instructions, etc. This task has been canceled and no longer requires work. f. Task Progress: For tasks that have a measurable deliverable, progress will be tracked here. Tap this area to enter additional progress against the task. g. Priority: Shows the priority assigned to this task (1 is the most urgent, 4 is the least urgent). h. Start Date + Due: Date the task is scheduled to begin and the date the task is due. i. Duration: The Duration shows the number of days assigned to work on a task. j. Dependencies: The “IN” dependency indicates the task's predecessor. The “OUT” dependency is the task's successor. k. Cost Code: The Cost Code associated with this Task during project setup. l. Geofences: Tap to view any GPS geofence locations associated with this task. When there are no geofences available this button will display as grey and be deactivated. m. Steps: Tasks may have steps broken out for the work to be completed. n. Media: Displays any photo, video or other files associated with this task. Tap the file name to view. Attachments may also be downloaded from this part of the app. o. Owner/Team: Displays the task's owner and the name of the team associated with the project.
7. Tap the Back Arrow at the top of the task screen to return to your task listing.
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