- From the Homescreen, tap the Changes button.
From any other screen in the app, tap theicon in the lower menu.
- The Change Orders screen opens showing all change orders associated with the current project (the project called out in blue at the top of the screen). In addition, it shows when the change order was created and updated, and the status.
Change Order Status:
Change order is awaiting approval from a supervisor. Change order has been submitted to the customer for approval. Change order has been approved by the customer and is ready for work to begin. Change order has been rejected by the customer. Work for this change order has been completed. - By default all change orders will appear in this view. To filter what is displayed or find a specific change order, tap the Filter icon in the upper right corner of the screen. This feature will become more and more helpful as more change orders are added to a project.
- The Filter screen opens with the following options:
a. Filter by Name: Enter a search term to filter data. Tap the x in this field to clear the search term. b. Time Period: Tap this menu to open up a dropdown and choose from None, Custom (you will be prompted to enter specific dates), Today, This Week, Last 7 Days. This will limit change orders displayed to those that fall into the chosen time period. c. Status: Tap this menu to open up a dropdown and chose from None, Pending, Submitted, Approved, Rejected, or Completed. This will limit change orders displayed to those that match the status that you’ve set. d. Reset: Tap the Reset icon to remove all filter criteria. e. Hide: Tap the “^” to close the filter menu. All changes will be displayed in the listed Change Orders. f. Close: Tapping the Close button is another way to close the filter menu. - Once a filter has been applied, a limited list of change orders will be displayed. Note that the Filter icon is now green. This indicates that a filter is in place. Tap the Reset icon to remove the filter.
- Tap any change order to open it and view details. The detail screen opens.
- Scroll down to view details about Items associated with the change order, Steps, or Photos. Tap on any of these icons to access detail. Note that any detail around cost will not be visible unless the user has the SC - Cost Visibility permission.
- From the Photos section images may be downloaded to your mobile device by tapping the Download icon.
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