- From the Homescreen, tap the Tasks button.
From any other screen in the app, tap theicon in the lower menu.
- The Tasks screen opens showing all tasks associated with the current project, the phase they are associated with, start and due dates, any progress made on the task, and the task's status. This listing displays all tasks that are ready to work--this means that they are not scheduled to occur in the future and all of their predecessor tasks have been completed. (See the instructions for Moving Between Projects to learn how to view tasks from another project).
- Tap the task whose status you’d like to update. The task opens. Depending on the type of task you may see a Task Progress field or simply a Percent Complete dropdown menu.
Quantitative Task Progress Qualitative Task Progress - There are two areas in the task that can be updated to communicate progress through your work to your supervisors—Status and Task Progress/Percent Complete.
- Task Status indicates the task's status. Tap the current Task Status.
The Task Status menu opens. Tap a new option to update.
Definitions of Status Options:
Work on this task has not yet begun. Work on this task is underway. This task has been finished. Work on this task has been blocked by external factors—this may be lack of materials, incomplete instructions, etc. This task has been canceled and no longer requires work. - Percent Complete indicates how far you are through this task. Again, depending on the type of task it will either be calculated for you or entered manually. See below for how to work with either task type.
- To update the Percent Complete for a task with a Task Progress field (a quantitative task):
a. Tap the Task Progress field. b. The Task Progress screen appears. It displays all entries made against this task to date. Use the down arrow at the right side of an entry date to expand and view details. From here you can use Add Progress to add another entry to that same date, or tap the + button at the bottom to add an entry for today. The Add Task Progress screen appears. Enter your task progress in the Task Progress field. This will always be a number. In this example, there are 2,125 linear feet total of RCP to be laid. This entry would capture the number of meters of RCP that were laid today. Tap the Checkmark button to proceed or the X to cancel the entry. c. The new entry appears at the top of the Task Progress list. The progress total and percent complete have both been updated. Tap the back arrow to return to the main screen for this task. d. You will notice that the progress total for this task has been updated to reflect your new entry. e. For quantitative tasks, you can also tap the More Options menu for the entry to and select the Enter Progress option to access the Add Progress screen. - To update the Percent Complete for a task with only a Percent Complete dropdown (a qualitative task):
a. Tap the Progress dropdown menu to update. b. The dropdown menu opens. Select the amount that corresponds to your level of completion for this task. For example, if you are halfway through your task you would select 50%.
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