July 20, 2022 ET
Mobile App Version: 5.72.48510
The following new features are available in this latest release of Smart Construction Field.
- Worker Status:
- Status tabs have been added to the top of worker status to allow for quick transitions for workers currently clocked in vs. clocked out. The Total Worker counts dynamically change based on filter selections such as Project or Teams.
- Worker Status:
- Last Activity task detail will now be displayed for workers who are clocked out, including the last project and task they worked on, within the last 30 days, the time of their last clock out, and their total time logged for the current day.
- Clocked in users who have manually clocked in outside of the project or task geofence will now be flagged with a visual indicator and the app will list how far outside of the geofence the clock-in occurred. "Outside" of the geofence will be indicated for anyone clocking in greater than .1 miles from the geofence.
- Current Activity (duration of the current clock in) and Total Time Today (Summarized total duration for the current day) have also been included.
- Last Activity task detail will now be displayed for workers who are clocked out, including the last project and task they worked on, within the last 30 days, the time of their last clock out, and their total time logged for the current day.
- Project Notifications:
- Users included in "Receive Safety Notices & Equipment Inspections" will now also receive notifications when equipment inspections indicate that a piece of equipment Needs Attention via email.
- The notification arrives with a deeplink allowing the user to go directly to the Equipment Inspection Log entry in question.
- Time Keeping Enhancements:
- User task dropdown for time entry now highlights recently used tasks and then sorts tasks by status for easier task selection.
- Any user who is outside of the geofence when manually clocking in will be indicated with a marker, and the distance between their location at time of clock in and the geofence will be listed in the Time Log.
- Ability to switch between projects, tasks and cost code made easier via UI.
- User may now switch a cost code without specifying a task.
- Crew Entry Time Log task list now groups tasks by "In Progress" and Others--displaying tasks that are currently in progress first for easier access.
- User task dropdown for time entry now highlights recently used tasks and then sorts tasks by status for easier task selection.
- UI/UX Enhancements:
- Equipment selection modal and the Equipment Log now sort equipment listings by those used recently, allowing easier access to commonly used equipment.
- Modification of user name display--names are now listed as Last, First in alphabetical order within all applicable areas of the app and reports.
- Search fields are now immediately active, meaning that if a field offers a search field, as that field is opened the user will be able to type directly without needing to select it.
- Report Enhancements:
- Equipment Inspection Reports containing the following details is now available in Field: Equipment Type, Equipment, Inspected By, Project, Inspection Date, Status, Hour Meter, Model #, Serial #, and Cost Code.
- Equipment Inspection Reports containing the following details is now available in Field: Equipment Type, Equipment, Inspected By, Project, Inspection Date, Status, Hour Meter, Model #, Serial #, and Cost Code.
- Other Updates + Enhancements:
- Free license report listing has been pared back to display only those reports that are available for users with this license type.
- Expired activation email verbiage has been updated to provide clearer instructions for users to be re-delivered the activation email if need be.
- Extended Team Creation right has been removed from all environments.
- OCR option no longer appears in the menu for enterprises that are not using this functionality.
- Account deletion is now available within the app, but limited only to primary contacts within the enterprise.
- Email templates have been modified to feature more Smart Construction Field-specific branding and are now available in multiple languages.
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