- Mobile App Version: 5.54.32814
- Chat Updates:
- Image Attachments:
- Using the attachment icon, users can now add images to chat either by selecting a photo from their mobile device or taking a new photo
- Images appear in chat text as thumbnails and can be opened at their full resolution when tapped
- Text and images can be edited in chat by using the Edit icon
- Using the attachment icon, users can now add images to chat either by selecting a photo from their mobile device or taking a new photo
- Image Attachments:
- Team-based chat can now be accessed via the Chat icon in the Team Detail screen
- Offline Mode for App:
- When connection is lost to mobile data, Smart Construction Field will offer the user the option of switching to offline mode or trying to reconnect
- Currently all pages are disabled in offline mode with the exception of the Select Project area
- Production Summary Report Available by Cost Code: This report can be accessed and printed as a PDF
- Performance and Security Enhancements were implemented via changes to Update User Information API calls in User Maintenance
- Cost Code Requirement: For projects with a cost code associated a cost code entry is now required on Time, Task and Material entries
- Windspeed Display Updated to show meters per second (vs. km/hr.)
- UI Updates made to Time Clock icon and Clock Out screens
- Equipment BLE quantifier improvements
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