This release (made available May 12, 2020) contains the following updates:
- OEM Detail: Equipment listings now include detail around the original equipment manufacturer.
- iBeacon Scanner Integration: From the Admin menu, users can use the Bluetooth Scanner option to check in with machinery on a job site to see status on battery life, location accuracy and other details.
- Machine Log in Daily Report: Machine Log entries are now included in Smart Construction Field's Daily Report.
- Task Updates: The following changes have been made to task functionality:
- Task Progress: Tasks can be configured to track percent complete manually, or to track percent complete via task progress. For example, if there are 150 meters of trench that must be dug, a user would be able to enter the number of meters of trench that they dug that day. Let's say the user dug 15 meters. Smart Construction Field then calculates the percent complete to match that numerical value--in this instance, 10%.
- Task Progress History: When a task is set to measure progress it will keep a log of entries made against its progress. The Task Progress History allows administrators to view progress over time. This detail is also featured in the Daily Report.
- Task Progress: Tasks can be configured to track percent complete manually, or to track percent complete via task progress. For example, if there are 150 meters of trench that must be dug, a user would be able to enter the number of meters of trench that they dug that day. Let's say the user dug 15 meters. Smart Construction Field then calculates the percent complete to match that numerical value--in this instance, 10%.
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