- From the Homescreen, tap the Time Log button.
From any other screen in the app, tap theicon in the lower menu.
- The Time Log screen opens. Tap the line for the person whose time entry you would like to edit. Note that you may only edit users who are not currently clocked into an open time entry.
- That person’s detail expands showing all time entered on that date. Please note that all entries are recorded and displayed in the project's local time zone. If the log is being viewed in a different time zone it will still display in the time zone associated with the project. To modify the Wage Type, Project, Cost Code, Task, or Notes associated with an entry:
a. Tap theEdit Time Log icon to make changes.
b. The Edit Time Log screen opens. From here we have the option to add a new time entry or to edit an existing time entry.
c. To edit an existing time entry, select Edit from the More Options menu associated with this time entry.
d. Note that some fields associated with time entry are disabled. Modification of the Clock In or Clock Out date is not permitted. Here we can adjust the Clock In and Clock Out times, Wage Allocations, Task, Cost Code, add Break Time, or modify Notes.
Total duration for the time entry can be modified by adjusting Clock In and Clock Out times. Simply tap on these fields to select different start or end times. Break time can be accounted for as well by tapping the Add Break Time option, or if breaks have already been applied to this time entry, they can be modified as well.e. Wage Allocations are available for edit. By default all hours will appear in the Regular (default) wage type. If wage type business rules have been applied and automatic overtime is turned on for the enterprise, hours may automatically be assigned to other wage types. To override these automatic placements, tap the Override button.
You will be prompted to confirm that this is action you wish to take. Tap OK to proceed.
Manually shift the desired time between wage types, being mindful of the total number of hours that have been logged with this time entry. As you enter time into other wage types, the wage total at the bottom will automatically adjust, but you will not be allowed to exceed the initial total number of hours. In this example, there are 2h 35m logged in the instance on the left. When 1 hour is placed in Double Time, the hours total goes up to 3h35m, exceeding the number of hours available. If this is the case you will be prompted to return the wage allocation to matching hours total for this time entry (i.e. subtract one hour from the Regular wage type to reach a total of 2h35m).f. The Project and Cost Code cannot be changed, but the Task can be modified and notes can be added/edited.
If the Task that is needed does not yet exist in the dropdown list, it can be added using the Add Task feature at the bottom of the listing.g. Once all updates are made, tap the “Checkmark” button to save your edits, or the “X” button in the upper right corner of this panel to cancel the edits. h. Edited time entries will be denoted by a white "clock" icon.
Original Entry:
Edited Entry:
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