From the Homescreen, tap the Safety button. Note that if there is a required survey associated with your project, the Safety icon will be outlined in red. From any other screen in the app, tap the Survey Log icon in the lower menu.
The Safety menu opens. Select the Survey Log option.
By default it will open to today's date. This screen that will display any surveys that have already been taken on the date displayed. Tap the "+" button in the lower right corner of the screen to take a survey.
The Select Survey screen opens showing a listing of all surveys available to you for this project. Note that they are divided into Required and Optional categories. Tap the survey you wish to take to continue.
The Take Survey screen opens. Tap on your responses and, optionally, enter a comment.
Once all questions have been completed, the Checkmark button will turn green, indicating that you are able to tap it to complete the survey. Alternatively, tap the "X" button to cancel.
After your survey has been submitted it will appear in the Survey Log. Please note that if you were looking at a date other than today when you started taking the survey, the survey log will appear on today's date. It is not possible to associate a new survey log with a prior day.
To review a summary of the results, tap the listing in the Survey Log. The Survey Results screen opens.
To delete a survey entry, from the Survey Results screen, tap the Delete icon in the upper right. From the Survey Log screen, tap the More Options dots on the upper right portion of a Survey Log listing to open a dropdown menu. Select Delete to erase the entry.
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