The Enterprise Profile determines settings for projects and users across your organization. Only users with admin rights will be able to access this part of the app. To set up or edit the Enterprise Profile:
- From the Homescreen, tap the Main Menu icon in the upper right corner.
- The Main Menu opens. Tap the Admin option to proceed.
- The Admin menu opens. Tap the Enterprise Profile Settings option to proceed.
- The Enterprise Profile Menu opens. Tap the desired section to establish/view/edit information.
- The Enterprise Info section contains the following:
a. Basic Enterprise Info: The Enterprise ID and Enterprise License Status can be referenced here.
b. Enterprise Logo: Tap the Delete icon to remove the existing enterprise logo, or the Edit icon to select a new image to be used as the enterprise logo. c. Enterprise Name: This field is mandatory and should contain the name of your enterprise. d. Primary and Secondary Contacts: Enter the name, phone and email address for the primary and (if desired) the secondary contacts for your organization. e. Enterprise Billing and Shipping Addresses: Enter the country in which your organization resides, then enter address details. If your billing and shipping addresses are identical, check the "Shipping Address Same as Billing Address" box to duplicate this information. - The General Defaults section contains the following:
a. Labor Defaults: Choose a role from the dropdown menu to serve as the role assigned to all new users. This field is mandatory. If desired, assign a wage default--this will be the standard pay rate associated with all new users. b. Equipment Defaults: Input a rate to be used as the standard hourly rate for any piece of equipment that does not have a specified rate. - The Time Keeping section contains the following:
a. Default Time Entry Rounding Increment: If desired, add a Default Time Entry Rounding Increment--this impacts labor time entries by rounding up or down at the increment indicated. For example, if the rounding increment is set to 5 minutes, an entry of 3 minutes will be rounded up to 5 minutes and an entry of 1 minute will be rounded down to 0 minutes. b. Location Event Timecard Action: Use checkboxes to turn on events triggered based on jobsite location (this setting will prompt users to clock in/out when the enter/exit a geofenced jobsite via push notifications).
Please note:
- It may take 24hrs (overnight) for a project geofence to update on a user’s phone after a project is created.
c. Employee Jobsite Enter/Exit Option: Turning on this toggle allows users to establish their own settings regarding location-based timecard actions.
- The Work Schedule + Pay Periods section contains the following:
a. Typical Work Week: Choose the days of the week that will be used to create a default work week for your team. Below, a typical Monday to Friday work week is shown. This will be used for irregular jobsite activity notifications.
b. Work Week Start Day: Choose a work week start day from the dropdown menu. This will be used for automatic weekly overtime calculations.
c. Typical Work Day: Enter the hours that will be used as default working hours for your enterprise. This will be used for irregular jobsite activity notifications as well as clock in/out reminders.
d. Work Holidays: Choose a Holiday Country from the dropdown menu. This will serve as a default starting point for holidays available for this project by populating the holiday list with all major holidays for the chosen country. Click on Work Holidays to view a detailed listing of the holidays associated with the chosen country. Work holidays will not be considered workable dates when using automatic updates to the Critical Path. These dates will also drive irregular jobsite notifications and be factored into automatic overtime calculations.
The Work Holidays dialogue opens, showing available work holidays for the chosen country for the next three years. Any holidays that have already passed will display as greyed out. Select or deselect holidays individually by tapping the checkbox, or use the Select All or Select None buttons to perform bulk edits. Tap the checkmark button to save.e. Pay Periods: Select the pay period that corresponds to the way that your enterprise operates: weekly (employees are paid every week), bi-weekly (employees are paid every other week), semi-monthly (employees are paid on specific days of the month--e.g. the 1st and 15th), or monthly (employees are paid once a month). This information will be used for payroll report filtering.
f. Default Work Schedule Notifications: Select the work schedule notifications that you'd like to have sent to your users based upon work hours and holidays established above.
Notify Irregular Jobsite Activity will send a notifications to confirm that users are actually working when activity is detected on a jobsite on a day/time that is not configured as a work day (based on the established work week, work hours and holidays).
Send Default Schedule Clock In and Out Reminders will send reminders for employees to clock in/out if they have not done so within the time limit during normal business days and hours (as configured above). - The Overtime Configuration section contains the following:
a. Automatic Overtime Calculation Toggle: If selected, overtime will be automatically calculated using the wage types and overtime rules that you establish below. Note that if this is turned on or off, you will be prompted to SAVE to continue with the new settings. b. Wage Types and Overtime Rules: Create and set the business rules around the wage types that are needed for your organization. If the toggle above is not turned on, these wage types will be available for manual application. Learn more about establishing these wage types and rules here.
- The Regional Settings section contains the following:
a. Use the dropdown menus to choose the Currency, Report Language, and Default Timezone set as defaults for the users in your organization. - The Other Settings section contains the following:
a. User Preferences: Use the toggle switches to turn on or off settings related to publishing global tasks, actions available to users via email, and the automatic assignment of wage types (such as holiday or overtime pay) based on business rules. b. Password Policy: Set the minimum password length (the minimum number of characters required for a user to set up a password)--this field is required. Optionally enter or edit password expiration, the number of password attempts a user can make before being locked out of the app, the number of password changes required before reuse (this prevents the same password from being reused too often), and require password complexity (this requires that users create a password matching specific guidelines listed below).
- Tap the Checkmark button to proceed with changes to the Enterprise Profile or the "X" button to cancel.
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